
Case studies

How Ofisly helped Ataccama solve parking problems

May 10, 2023 3 min read

In Ataccama, Ofisly helped to effectively resolve issues that stemmed from the chaos in parking usage. Employees no longer have to park on the street or even return home to avoid paying parking fees. To find out how else the app has made things easier at the company and why Ataccama chose it, read this short case study.

In BDO, Ofisly makes parking easy and fair

September 19, 2022 3 min read

Thanks to Ofisly, the BDO consultancy has started to share parking spaces fairly. Employees no longer have to circle around the car park looking for the last available space. In addition to parking, Ofisly has also taken care of the automatic logbook. Read how Ofisly has simplified car booking and parking.