Case studies

How Ofisly helped Ataccama solve parking problems

In Ataccama, Ofisly helped to effectively resolve issues that stemmed from the chaos in parking usage. Employees no longer have to park on the street or even return home to avoid paying parking fees. To find out how else the app has made things easier at the company and why Ataccama chose it, read this short case study.

  • Company name
    Ataccama Software, s.r.o.
  • Address
    Sokolovská, Prague
  • Industry
  • Number of employees
  • WWW

Ataccama is an international software company that specializes in data management and artificial intelligence. A team of data experts and enthusiasts developed the Ataccama ONE platform to help their customers process, manage, monitor and transform large data sets. With more than 500 employees in 22 countries and six continents, Ataccama has grown from a small startup founded in 2007 to a global leader in data management. Headquartered in Toronto, the company has offices in 10 cities around the world, including its largest R&D center in Prague. Ataccama’s Prague office is a state-of-the-art facility that recently won the IT Office of the Year award and employs more than 300 people.

How did it work in Ataccama?

There was parking chaos in the company. Sometimes there was a shortage of parking spaces, other times employees didn’t use them to their full potential because they didn’t even know about them. The garages were a mess and employees were often angry. If they couldn’t find a space, they had to park on the street or go back home to avoid paying parking fees. In the case of visitors, the receptionist had to physically walk to the garage, stick a reservation sign next to the space, and hope that others would respect the reservation.

It was necessary to get rid of these problems as quickly as possible, so they started looking for a solution in Ataccama.

Why Ofisly?

They chose Ofisly for several reasons. One was the already established and planned features, such as desk booking, and another was the approach of the Ofisly team.

Ofisly not only solves parking problems, but also shared desk bookings. They can be booked in seconds, anytime, anywhere. You can assign them to individual employees or reserve entire sectors for individual departments. You do away with shared spreadsheets or manual booking records, and you always have a realistic overview of your office occupancy at your fingertips.

That’s why they were excited in Attaccama. Because once they start dealing with bookings in the offices, they won’t have to change the app, switch to a new system and the rollout will happen almost immediately. No big changes or delays.

Another factor in the selection of Ofisly was the attitude and actions of the Ofisly team, as heard from the mouth of Front Office & Facility Manager Blanka Zonygová:

“One of the reasons for choosing Ofisla was also the attitude of the whole team – patience, ability to explain, show, arrange, accommodate, help basically immediately, and also willingness to adapt to the customer’s requirements.”

How did it turn out?

The response has been positive and employees have quickly got used to the application. As Blanka Zonygová further describes the successful introduction of Ofisly to Ataccama:

The company has managed to solve all the problems we were facing with parking. The office has also made the work of the receptionist much easier, who no longer has to go to the garage and stick signs to the parking spaces for visitors, now she can do everything conveniently from her computer or mobile phone. Employees have got used to using the app without any problems and praise its simplicity and intuitive navigation.” 

Information provided by Front Office & Facility Manager at Ataccama Software, s.r.o. – Blanka Zonygová

Do you also want help with parking? Try Ofisly for 14 days for free.

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